
Trusting the Journey

When a slump hits you,

When a low phase takes over your life,

Let faith and patience be the beacons of your life

Life changes instantaneously,

Opportunities arise

The next big change swiftly takes shape,

Unlocking your powerful, new identity

Now, living an alluring, grand reality

The worries of the low phase,

Fade away

Like distant bubbles in the air

It is well to remember,

All pieces of a puzzle

Align to reveal the whole

The negative experiences prepare

For greater glories beckoning you

Intuition & inner-guidance are strengthened

By unwanted trials and tribulations

The Universe constantly creates magic

To tie all loose knots together

The right path unfolds one step at a time

Where am I headed

What am I meant to do

What is the meaning of life

All imposing questions no longer plague the mind

In deep silence,

Connected to the blissful inner-self

Trust in the journey begins…

Growing fearless and shedding away inhibitions

The gift of life expresses itself,

Talents burst forth

Uncovering a new and more conscious you

Stable, calm

Grounded, relaxed and aware

Recognising your power and your worth

You are ready to share your light with the world

You no longer wait or sit idle,

Guided by inner-light

You keep taking action

The aeons of preparation

Make you rise as a brilliant star

Finally, realising your rightful place in the resplendent whole.



Astha Chandra (Inner Power Coach)

I am an inner-power coach. I believe in people’s ability to draw answers within. I help people shed their limiting beliefs to achieve their desired growth.